Musings of a (hopeful) medic

Okay, in a lovely and almost mind-blowing parallel to my first ever blog post, I've just started my second year as a doctor and I have some thoughts to share ... Having not kicked the habit of making things difficult for myself, I decided to flee the North and train in my first doctor jobs... Continue Reading →

5 Ways To Build Your Personal Statement During Lockdown – The Medic Portal

A pandemic is an interesting and difficult time to be a prospective medical student. The spotlight on our NHS may have you more inspired than ever to embark on a medical career, but the situation has created challenging conditions in which to start your application. Despite all the uncertainty, there are things you can do!... Continue Reading →

The Medical School Application : A Survivors Story

So chances are if you're not one of my devoted readers (hi fam), you're a student about to enter the terrifying prospect of the med school application process. I'm a first year med student, and these past few weeks I've been helping out at offer holder days and a medicine summer school, and I was bombarded with questions about applying. I'd kind of forgotten how much of a... Continue Reading →

Musings of a hopeful medic

Okay, maybe not QUITE a medic yet, but it's less than ten weeks until I'll be starting medical school and I have some thoughts to share. (Grab a cuppa.) So I've been on a gap year. And no, it's not been a 'gap yah'. Exotic points = 0. Creating Piña Coladas on that one hot day (would... Continue Reading →

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